Significant regulatory progress has been made in 2023, most likely caused by crisis. The renewable electricity sector experienced significantly more vigorous market activity. A strong regulatory foundation has been laid for heat supply and the development of a hydrogen economy.
In 2024, the EEHH Cluster Agency will also focus on harnessing these vital bases to complete as many projects as possible in the region, in the coastal area and at international level. In view of the federal government’s current budgetary situation, it is important that cluster members concentrate on projects that can be implemented within the existing framework conditions and with manageable economic risks. In the Hamburg metropolitan region, we expect to reach several milestones in the establishment of a regional hydrogen ecosystem, the important decarbonisation of district heating supply and the expansion of wind and solar energy in the city of Hamburg.
We will prepare a mid-term review of the Cluster Agency’s Strategy2025 over the course of the year. This will enable us to evaluate where we stand. In particular, we anticipate – building on the strategy – fresh activities and stimulus in the areas of solar energy and heat supply.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the most important growth factor in the energy sector is the availability of skilled labour. Potential growth will be inhibited both in trades businesses and larger industrial and service companies if skilled labour cannot be recruited. The Cluster Agency intends to provide new services to its members in this area!
Although the current financial constraints in Germany leave little room for manoeuvre, we at the EEHH Cluster Agency anticipate that the factors we have outlined will stimulate dynamic growth in our cluster. We can hardly wait!