In 2023, heating and sector coupling will play an extremely important role for REH. The consistent decarbonisation of heating using small and large heat pumps and other sector coupling projects is the most important part of the energy transition. As a result of its settlement structure, the Hamburg Metropolitan Area faces particular challenges, but also many positive framework conditions – the availability of industrial waste heat, transformation of district heating, heat potential of geothermal energy and heat from rivers. These factors make this topic extremely dynamic.
The solar obligation approved by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg from 2023 is not only mandatory for many residents and companies, but above all a great opportunity! Many of our network stakeholders are therefore committed to the successful implementation of this regulation. The combination of solar panels and charging infrastructure and heating in many private homes and commercial companies provides the opportunity to offset rising energy costs by means of carbon pricing.
The hydrogen economy will become more tangible in the Hamburg Metropolitan Area in 2023. Many pilot projects have been developed and approved in recent years – and are due to be implemented in 2023. REH will continue to intensively support the regulations announced by the German government and the EU.
In 2022, we – especially Germany – were forced to recognise our dependence on fossil fuel (imports) and made to realise that only the consistent expansion of renewable energies contributes to climate protection and energy resilience. In 2023, we must successfully transition from the acute crisis management of our energy supply to a structured acceleration of the energy transformation. The REH network will help to achieve this at every possible level – in projects, by means of expert reports and at a great many excellent events!