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(Will be hidden in the published article)As part of their climate plan, Hamburg’s politicians have committed to making the metropolitan region a pioneer for a green hydrogen economy. The establishment of an uninterrupted value chain encompassing production, transport, distribution and purchasing will require good coordination between stakeholders. The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency is assisting politicians with these wide-ranging priorities by promoting the establishment of a community. The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency is using existing structures to create and develop a close-knit local network.
Green hydrogen sofa
Developing a common strategy
Renewable Energy Hamburg members have also been able to work intensively together on the development of a new cluster strategy for the next five years since September 2021. A variety of collaborative workshops have highlighted technical aspects and established new contacts. The strategy is a continuation of the previous cluster strategy and also sets out guidelines for the successful integration of hydrogen into the overall cluster that traditionally focuses on energy production (from wind and solar power, as well as sustainable heat). As part of this strategic process, the objectives for the Cluster Agency’s work over the coming years have been agreed and initial specific actions implemented.